Archive for the w3c Category

XHTML 1.0 Strict and the Target Attribute

Posted in w3c, web development, web standards, xhtml with tags , , , , on February 28, 2008 by drew

As a web developer, I recently came across an oxymoron. Most clients now are expecting our products (websites) to be XHTML Standards Compliant. And so they should be!

Of course, some clients want to push the envelope and go XHTML 1.0 Strict Compliant. Also of course, they wanted external HTML links to open in a new window. Hence the oxymoron, the want-my-cake-and-want-to-eat-it-to if you may.

I recently dropped a site from XHTML 1.0 Strict to Transitional just because of the target tag, which has been dropped from XHTML 1.0 Strict.

And for good reason I guess. As a web “user”, I hate when other developers, webmasters, or whoever force me to open new windows when I’d rather not. If I do need a new window, or tab in my case, I can do so in a number of various ways.

I guess I could just rewrite all the links to be javascript popup windows, but popup blockers would have so much fun with site visitors it’s not even funny.

The whole, “open links in a new window so I don’t lose visitors” argument will soon be dead. Or at least I hope it will. That method was only skewing visit length stats anyway….